
Friday, March 18, 2016

Give It A Rest, Pinterest! (UPDATED)

Has anyone been annoyed by Pinterest in the last few days? I am dealing with an avalanche of their "Picked for you" pins.
Just overnight, I received 70 of them! Yes, 70 of them in a mass since the last pin arrived from one of the people that I actually choose to follow. That is just ridiculous and I do not like this.

I am sick and tired of  having to select repeatedly (70 times!!), I'm not into this Pin, I just don't like ads, and I'm not into Pins inspired by my recent activity just to see the content I signed up to see. Oh, and even worse, the exact same pins keep showing up!

Pinterest says the purpose of these toggles, such as It isn't relevant or interesting, is so that the algorithm can educate itself to show only pins that I would and wouldn't like but the fact that the same exact pins keep showing up after I've dejected them illustrates that it is NOT working. If this continues for much longer, I may have to quit Pinterest.

By searching the web, I have found a way around not seeing them at all (Click here for the link and java script fix provided by The Beth Project) but I think it's ridiculous that in order to enjoy Pinterest again you have to install a website hack in order to gain back the ability to choose your own inspirations and interests. The site as of now does not allow free choice in seeing only what we choose to see and that is a shame.

Anyone else having this problem?

UPDATE (08/21/16): I don't know when they finally did it, but I just checked the setting of my Pinterest account (again, out of frustration!) and they now have an option to turn OFF those "Picked for You" pins! It's located in Settings under Home Feed.  

Which, is great because I was using Pinterest less and less, only going into my already existed groups, and avoiding the main page (home feed) as much as possible. Thank you Pinterest for getting back to why we once liked your site.

Saturday, March 05, 2016

Let's Get Caught Up...

Sorry, I haven't been posting projects lately, I've definitely been thinking about them, I just haven't gotten off my butt and gone into my sewing room. That is, until three days ago.

I have been reading sewing blogs though, and that just might be the problem. I have been reading so many blogs and marveling at other sewist projects, yet dragging my feet on my own. I got sick a few weeks ago and ended up with 160 unread posts and am only now down to only 5. So I am going through my bloglovin' queue and shedding some blogs, mostly that don't reflect my style OR don't inspire me with their imagination or use of different techniques. For example, Shams of Communing With Fabric and I don't have style in common besides Vogue 8712, but I love what she creates for herself and have to see what she gets up to, Lara of Thornberry's use of colorful fabric and interesting shapes amazes me, and Barbara from Sewing on the Edge's flypaper thoughts have me laughing out loud. So, I have a feeling I will still have a fairly large list of blogs left, but just the ones I really enjoy. Marie Kondo, take note.

So, that is where my Sew-Jo went.

  • I just finished McCall's 6886 in a striped ponte and can't wait to show you.
  • I am this close to finishing up that vintage Simplicity 5289 that resembles Peggy Olson's dress from the last season of Mad Men. I just have hems, neckline, and decorative top-stitching to do.
  • I cut out a graphic Black & White mod-look skirt from Simplicity 1163, this will be my next project.
  • Following that, I will be attempting a pair of pants, but what type, I'm still not sure of. I have many pattern/fabric bundles already, but I just have to make up my mind. Slim-fitting knit, stretch woven jeans, legging-like with seam detail, or drapey woven with volume at the hips and tapered legs...
  • I've been reading a lot of books on my Nook: Dirty Blonde by Lisa Scottoline, Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple, and Blame by Michelle Huneven.
  • I've been watching a huge amount of comedies on Hulu: Korean series Marry Me or Not? and Britcoms No Heroics (no longer available on the site), and Lost in Austen.
  • Been watching some regular TV too: iZombie (CW), Mom (CBS), Teachers(TV Land) and last but not least,is anyone watching You, Me, and the Apocalypse? I am loving this show and developing a deeper crush on Brit Mathew Baynton (The Wrong Mans, Spy) in his dual roles of a mild-mannered banker and his psychotic cyberterrorist/kidnapper twin. You should definitely check it out, it's available on NBC and Hulu. It also stars Jenna Fischer, Rob Lowe, and Megan Mullally. It is a joint USA/Britain project ( I vote for more of these!) and I hope it gets another season/series.
  •  Also been watching a lot of movies on Hulu (Hmmm, I think I'm seeing the real time-zapper culprit now.) I've seen: In a World..., Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit, and Mortecai(WHY?!?, this thing stunk so bad, everyone but Paul Bettany should be ashamed. His long suffering, over-sexed thug/hard man was hilarious and such a departure that it took me longest time to even recognize him.)

Well, I think that's about all. I will be posting about my finished dress when I get photos and you should expect more posts in the near future. I just reached 300 followers! a week ago, so thank you so much for reading my little blog!