
Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Universal Healthcare Now! Please?

My monthly health insurance payment is $389 dollars.*

Yes, three hundred and eighty-nine smackaroos.

Apparently because of an ongoing medical condition and family health history, I am considered Level 3. I am really curious now as to how many levels there are. Or could Level 4 equal un-insurable?

I called about possibly raising my deductible in order to pay a cheaper premium. The very next level from my current $500 deductible is deductible of $1,500. And get this, the monthly payment would be around $336. The deductible has multiplied three times and the premium cost only went down $53 dollars!! This is already the cheaper flexible "pick and choose" plan.

The very cheapest plan they have, well, the customer representative made it sound ominous. I sure wasn't going to make the change right there so she's sending information out to me. I don't know what it will cover yet, but the premium for this one was quoted at $230 dollars a month and that's not bad. If that really applies to "sickly" li'l ole Level 3 me, just imagine what it might cost for the "healthy" people. I'll keep you informed.

*This is the cost for individual coverage. For more scary health insurance stories, read these at blurbomat.


  1. Holy Moly! I pay around $500 a year and that's mainly so I don't have to pay the same amount in tax as my Medicare levy. (Don't ask - I don't understand it either)

    Is this insurance optional or if you don't have it do you have to die quietly on the front step of the hospital?!

  2. Anonymous2:30 PM

    One of the main reasons I stay at my dead-end job is the health insurance. Last time I looked at private insurance, it was about $400 a month, so your experience doesn't surprise me.

    Before this job, I just went uninsured, used free clinics, and hoped for the best. Scary stuff.

    Why health insurance ever got tied to employment, and why someone thought that was a good idea, I'll never understand.

  3. Ugh, so sorry to hear this. Very frustrating. I'd love to have a universal health care system. Access to health care should be a right, not a privilege, and it certainly shouldn't be tied to employment status as it currently is.
