
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

One Purse Down! - Belle Epoque Bias Tape Tote

This was the easiest and quickest purse I've ever made yet. Yes, I dragged the process out but if I had wanted, this could have been completed within an hour. In fact, if I had enough double-fold bias tape, both purses could have been completed in that time.

The only problem I had was in making sure I caught both sides of the bias tape in the stitching. As it was, everything went fine until the curved sides, that is where the bottom side of the tape slipped away. I'll just have to clean these up with some hand-topstitching. Next time I will do a preliminary basting first.

Otherwise, cute, easy-peasy, and reversible to boot. Love that Ikea fabric!

To see other versions, check out Belle Epoque's Flickr pool for items made from her Bias Tape Tote pattern and her other tutorials.

Images: my own

1 comment:

  1. Two thumbs up! The colors and patterns look like something about to be launched as This Summer's Hot Must-Have Bag.
