
Monday, July 07, 2008

A Room Nearby and other joys

Up late again, I saw this great show on my local PBS channel, written, produced, and animated by Paul and Sandra Fierlinger. The movie is described as "Blending intimate interviews with distinctive animation, A Room Nearby gives voice to five culturally dissimilar people as they reflect on the process and unexpected revelations of loneliness." It was both lovely and touching. Having been a loner in my childhood I know about the difference between loneliness and being alone in my adulthood.

In the film was this incredible quote "If we crave affirmation from others for the way We see things we will remain lonely forever." I will have to keep that in mind.

What I find weird is that I hardly ever "plan" to watch PBS, but just find myself turning the channel and discovering gems like these. Unfortunately, most of the wonderful pieces I've seen have been scheduled during the late night hours or VERY early hours of the morning. I just hope that people who live a more healthy sleep schedule have opportunities to see these too.

Pieces I've seen and enjoyed lately have been: the strong women of Cranford, Independent Len's Abduction: the Megumi Yokoto Story, Live From Lincoln Center's Camelot (with Gabriel Byrne eerily channeling Richard Harris), and an interesting look at the making of the UK's Lord of the Rings musical, that is about to close on July 19. I can't find a proper link to the complete piece I saw but you can see some of it on YouTube (of course!)

Check out PBS some night, you will be happy you did.


  1. Hi Lisa - I read on True Up blog that you're looking for some of the Denyse Schmidt "County Fair" fabric? We have some of them in my shop, Quilting Adventures - Come check us out! :-)

  2. Ditto!

    I couldn't sleep and tuned in and to my utter amazement caught A Room Nearby the first vignette about a guy named Dominck D'Achille which so happens to be my maiden name Lynnette D'Achille!

    Can anyone please help me find out how I can get the DVD OF THIS?

    Please, please, please!
