
Friday, December 11, 2009

D Is For Dentistry

By the time you read this post I will be in a dentist's office finding out what they can do for a tooth that split apart last night.

The fact is, I was eating cheese popcorn but it happened with so little fanfare that I think it would have happened with anything. There was and has been no pain, I just suddenly tasted metal (my filling) and that was it. It even took a few minutes for me to find the fragment in my mouth. Basically because of the filling in the middle there wasn't much "tooth" left there anyway. Luckily, it was the back half of the tooth so I don't look any different. However, my tongue can't help seeking out the ragged edges of the exposed filling constantly.

I am writing this so that you can wish me luck that this will be a simple and hopefully reasonable fix for this. If not, I may have just bankrupt myself. Merry Christmas! I already hit my insurance cap this year and unless the cap for the dentistry part of my insurance is separate there's no more money until February 1. (VISA card, do you have any room left?)

I think they should warn you when you are getting low on coverage. "You have the equivalent of $300 left for the year, we at Aetna suggest that you forgo that next prescription and just take care of your flu symptoms at home with Advil. Thank you very much and have a nice day!"


  1. Hope it goes well, and isn't too expensive! *hugs*

  2. Ugh, my insurance is doing something similar, but I think I have a separate cap for dental stuff so I will cross my fingers and hope that you do too! Good luck!

  3. Hope it went well and that your dental cap is separate from your insurance cap! The bright side is that you are not in any pain!

  4. Hang in there! I hope you can get it fixed before February without breaking the bank.

  5. Oh man, I hope it goes well! I'm sending positive thoughts your way!

  6. I had that happen once and I was eating cottage cheese.... Hope you're all better!

  7. I think I have a separate cap for dental stuff so I will cross my fingers and hope that you do too! Good luck!

    Work from home India
