
Sunday, January 24, 2010

I Don't Get It...

What was wrong with this dress?

I was just on Tom and Lorenzo's (Project Rungay) site and read their thoughts and the comments and almost everybody there trashed this dress from season 7, episode 2.

What did you think?

I think I would be lucky to own and wear this dress. It's gorgeous, the colors are sophisticated and classy. This is cocktails after work-wear. The construction is incredible; I mean that neckline is TDF and so very flattering on a small bust. The only thing I didn't like was the exposed zipper but that's the fad these days. I guess the contestants would be voted right off if they dared show individuality and still chose an invisible or (god forbid!) a lapped zipper.

So what's wrong with this dress? Nothing.

Jesus Estrada is cool in my book. Good luck, Jesus!


  1. I loved this dress. I think the main concern is that you couldn't see the potato sack!! What about Ping's dress with the slit up the behind!!! I was sure they would send her home for that!!! They must be keeping her just to see what other weirdness she'll come up with next.

  2. Anonymous3:14 PM

    I agree - I luhv that dress. The colors, the deep neckline, the mix of fabric, the combo of textures... I think it's fab.

  3. I'm sort of meh on this dress. And I think Ping has the potential to make some interesting stuff, even though her dress last week was very, very questionable.

    BTW, I am going to have to search your archives for 500 Days of Summer posts. I finally saw it tonight!

  4. they had one point though:

    when you turn the dress around, the way that the ribbons are set up, it is a hey-look-at-my-left-butt-cheek-now-here-is-my-right-one.


  5. I like it. Although I would never be able to pull off the top.
