
Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Hanging at Colettes

Hey, guys!

I have great news. I've been reading a lot about fashion designers lately and I've found a way to put that knowlege to great use. Perhaps you already know but I've been submitting little posts on certain designers to the lovely Sarai of Colette Patterns and she has graciously published them on the past two Wednesdays. Please join me as I learn more about the heavy hitters of fashion's past.

Tomorrow's entry will be female designer, Madeleine Vionnet, most famously known as the developer of the bias cut.


  1. I hadn't noticed those fashion designer posts were by you! Way to go. Can't wait for Vionnet--she's my favorite.

  2. Great posts (and that deep purple Worth dress is so dramatically fabulous!). I love Madeleine Vionnet so it's always a pleasure to see more of her work. I'm also very intrigued by that black dress as it doesn't seem at all typical of what she is best known for. What is the story behind it, do you know?
