
Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Stop, Rewind, Start Again...

I know I said I wasn't going to write about on-going sewing projects here and would just post when they were finished objects? Well, I realized if I did that, then what would I write on this here blog? So this is what's going on in my sewing nook this week:

Simplicity 4111 + New Look 6836 =
  • A few weeks ago, I found I didn't have enough fabric for the New Look 6836 "milk-maid" blouse but did have enough for the Built By Wendy Simplicity 4111 pattern. Even though, I bought the New Look after reading bad reviews of the BBW one, I decided to do a pattern mash-up of the two in order to still get the blouse I envisioned making two years ago. The Simplicity 4111 reviews that led me to select another pattern all mentioned the extremely low neckline and too-short bodice. The good things about this pattern are that the back is only one piece and the sleeves are not as full, both welcome changes that will save fabric. Out of the four - five essential pattern pieces, I will be using almost all of the ones from the BBW shirt except I will be using a modified front bodice and creating the same bodice details as the New Look pattern.

    I have already morphed the two bodice patterns into a new front bodice piece that gets cut on the fold. I will cut out and construct a muslin before the weekend, when I hope to begin on the real shirt.

Vogue 9745, Vogue 1992, Colette Clover, Built By Wendy Sew U
  • Moving on to pants. I will first compare the crotch curves*(just like Dixie did here) of my best fitting RTW pants to the pants patterns I want to make from my stash. Already, I have noticed a consistent use of the same curve shape and angle among two Vogue patterns I have and the same thing with two McCall's. In both situation, only slight alterations were made to the length or angle.

    Using the shape from the RTW pants I will create a new pant pattern incorporating the new c-curve and see if the resulting muslin recreates the same fit. Then, I can just run off pants willy-nilly. I have six pairs in my plan I would like to make this year. If the real problem in fitting pants is finding the right c-length, c-depth and c-width for your particular body then; hopefully, this will be my answer.

*Ewww, from now on this will be referred to as the c-curve on this blog. ;)


  1. What an adorable blouse. Can't wait to see it...but no pressure-lol
