
Monday, June 18, 2012

5. Modern T-Shirt - Grainline Scout Tee #31002

Pattern: Grainline Studio Scout Woven Tee #31002

Pattern Sizing: Neck, shoulders to underarm in size 8, rest in size 10.

Did it look like the photo/drawing on the pattern envelope once you were done sewing it? Yes

Were the instructions easy to follow? Yes, very much.

What did you particularly like or dislike about the pattern? It is a simple idea but in a modern shape; interesting and still an easy and fast sew. I loved the 1/4" hems at neck, sleeves, and hem. They made the shirt seem very delicate.

Fabric Used: Brown and cream quilting cotton in a homespun-like print, from my late aunt's stash.

Pattern Alterations or any design changes you made: I made no changes but next time I think I will go down a size, at least in the shoulders.

Would you sew it again? Would you recommend it to others? Yes, I will make this again, perhaps in more flowing fabrics and also in a knit, similar to below.

Conclusion: After seeing this made up in a liberty print and in a red wool crepe, I just had to try it. It's definitely a design that could look very different when made in various types of prints and weights of fabric.

Images: my own photos, Anthropologie


  1. this is so cute! i've never heard of this pattern line before, but i love the cut of this top- looks so wearable. :) your version looks very chic.

  2. This T is so pretty, especially made in small scale floral prints. It looks really great on you. And the loose shape is perfect for staying cool in the freaking hot weather we are having lately.

  3. Anonymous11:35 PM

    This is so cute on you! The fit looks perfect to me!

  4. Very nice version! you've inspired me to try this soon.
