
Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Holidays To One And All

This past year:

Wow, what can one say. 2012 had it ups and downs. Unfortunately, it is ending on some truly tragic negatives. Which I can only hope means that 2013 will be our salvation: that real change and responsibility will be put in place to benefit all and not just some. This sentiment amazingly, refers to so many things this year, not just the obvious. We are in this together; that's the only way we prosper, as a world, a country, and as individuals.

Hug your family and friends, let them know you love them, and look forward to a new shinier year.

Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year!!!


  1. I second all your comments! Sorry to miss you at robin's but enjoyed hearing about it. Peg

  2. Merry Christmas - it was so nice to meet you last month. Happy New Year!

  3. Indeed... we can but hope that the season of goodwill lasts a lifetime, rather than a few short days. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and yours :)
