
Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Google Reader...Ugh And Oy Vey

Okay, I have not made up my mind on what to do about Google Reader’s eminent death. I’ve been sitting back and learning about others’ experiences to form my opinion. Today, I came across an article listing some alternatives, some I've never heard of and thought maybe it would be helpful to others.

From 12 Google Reader Alternatives

The most interesting thing on there is Bloglines. Yes, remember Bloglines?! I moved to Google Reader when they were closing down. Well, now it seems they're back. Weird right?

Within the list I noticed that some readers are only available on mobile devices so those and the ones that only work on Macs are out for me. I also would need one that can still be accessed on Windows because that is what's at work. Do you have any suggestions that fit that criteria?

Update: I choose Bloglovin'!


  1. I am trying Bloglovin' and so far it has been pretty painless. I was pretty used to Google Reader so there is some figuring-it-out still but nothing annoying. Also they have it set up so it is about two clicks to import all of your stuff from Google Reader. I use it on a Windows machine. Hope that helps!

  2. I am using feedly which is pretty nice so far. I like that I can use it with chrome and firefox and my android phone.

  3. I am trying out Feedly (but I hate that it only imports 1 tag per article - and I always multi-tag my saved articles), and Bloglovin + "The Old Reader", although the last one is taking forver to import my settings (days now - but I guess that their servers must be overloaded with new users leaving Google LOL!)

    1. P.S. I don't like that Bloglovin doesn't import my tags/folders from Google Reader either :(!!! And that I cannot store feeds/articles in more than one folder + that I cannot tag articles/posts at all :(

  4. Anonymous9:03 AM

    I tried Feedly and it was great but unfortunately does not work with Internet Explorer and they have no interest in fixing that. Currently on BlogLovin and adjusting well.
