
Saturday, December 21, 2013

Update: Counting Down The Year

Wow, last time I wrote was almost a month ago. Here is what has happened:
  • I had my first eye exam in four years at America's Best and ordered two pairs of glasses. I hope they turn out cool enough that I no longer feel like an old-school librarian when they're on. Nothing wrong with librarians, some of my best friends are librarians. However, I think of the old stereotype, tight bun, horn-rimmed glasses, pursed lips, and most likely a bitter old maid.
  • I had the internet enabled in the house via Cox Cable, bought a USB wireless adapter at Wal-Mart, returned it after ordering a much better and cheaper one over the Internet, and just ordered 1 GB of memory. Hopefully, after install, searching the web won't take as long as it does now.
  • I am working on my next sewing project, which will give me 12 finished projects for 2013. I even challenged myself because it involves stripe matching in chevrons!
  • Downloaded eight Burdastyle patterns that I wanted from the 10/2012 issue via the new North American version of the magazine. All of them are from the only issue that I've felt was worth the international expense because of the ratio of me-style patterns inside.
  • Had my hair cut short at my Dad's barber shop. It now looks better than my prior self-done haircuts.
  • Helped my dad out with raking the leaves in our large yard. Hard, sweaty work that I did not like when in the middle of it, but love the feeling afterwards. I guess I should exercise more often, huh?
  • Attended the Virginia Museum of Fine Art's Hollywood Costume exhibition on December 14. Unfortunately, I was ill and arrived late but they graciously changed the time of our tickets. It was worth it to me. There were not as many vintage iconic costumes as my last costume exhibit but there were many surprises in this V&A museum show from London, including costumes from Tim Burton and Martin Scorsese movies. I also loved the addition of director, star, and costume designer video interviews.
  • That same weekend, I attended a performance of Mulan put on by the students of Richmond's Fox Elementary school. I have attended all of the performances that my friend's children have participated in and have had a blast. What a great Richmond public school and what a fabulous school program.

I am looking forward to a fun, educational, and prosperous 2014 next year!


  1. All the best to you in 2014, Lisa!

  2. Time flies! Happy Holidays...

  3. Best to you in 2014!

  4. So glad that everything's been going so well for you after your move! :) Yes, I absolutely understand about the "needing more exercise" statement - after chipping out from under the ice (Toronto got hit pretty good this time around), I've decide, that regular walks and snow-shoveling are to be added to my (now non-existent) workout routine. Oh, and I guess I should add tree-removal, as our neighbours lost a few in this last storm - so sad seeing old-growth trees split in half like that.

    Anywho, I hope you had a terrific Christmas, and I hope that Santa was good to you, andI wish you all the best - including some amazing sewing and blogging experiences - in the coming New Year!! :)

  5. The exhibit sounds wonderful!
