
Tuesday, March 04, 2014

Aw Shucks, I Missed It!

Sunday, I was the featured member on! However, I didn't find out about it until last night, so I didn't get to see a screen shot of it. :(

The funny thing is that I spent Sunday in Richmond doing an impromtu photo shoot in order to update the photos in my last two PR reviews for the Burdastyle 02/2010 #112A striped top and my Vogue 2747 yoked skirt.

Oh, well.

Thank you, Pattern Review!

Despite being extremely windy, this was photographed in beautiful 68 degree weather. However, this exact spot was covered in 4 to 6 inches of snow the very next day! Wow.

UPDATED: Look what I just saw on Pinterest! Funny, if had thought the weather was going to be that warm I might have been wearing my own heeled booties too.


  1. That looks so nice! Love it with that stripey tee!

  2. Wow, such a lovely skirt - and I too like the pairing with the stripey top! :)

    4 - 6 inches of snow? I'd LOVE 4 - 6 Inches of snow *LOL* Sorry, I'm in Toronto, Ontario and currently jealous of anything even close to Spring-like weather (still in the negative double-digits Celcius here), and really wondering if I can hunt down that silly groundhog and threaten him with something watching "Sharknado" repeatedly. One of the worst movies ever made, BTW... *LOL*

    Keep on keeping on, and sewing such lovely items! :)

  3. Great outfit, I love it!

  4. I must own at least 15 striped tops, so I can totally get on board with this look! Love that combo!!!
