
Friday, August 19, 2016

Get Your Labels There!

The last week and a half I have been running around crazy. If you follow me on Instagram, you know that my storage room had flooding issues and I have spent hours and days outside in the heat going through many boxes choosing what stays, what to donate, and what to throw away.

At the nighttime in the AC, I would try to catch up on my blog reading. As I discovered some more cool sewing places in Philadelphia a blog post led me to the Dutch Label Shop, a local Philly business that produces small  batch clothing labels. I was impressed with their website which was packed with  information. They have an awesome interactive component that let you investigate and design what you might want your future labels to look like. You can use their customization options of different text/background colors, fonts, and label sizes or submit your own prepared design by digital file.

Just some of the many samples

I ordered a sample kit and a few days later was blown away with what I received. Now, this is a sample pack! They didn't just send me a few labels, no, I received a tiny padded envelope with a full-cover brochure and five zippered bags with multiple examples of each of the items they produce: cardstock hang tags, and separate examples of logo, clothing size, fabric care, and basic iron-on or sewn woven labels. In the basic woven label bag alone, they sent me 9 examples!


Over the years, I would think about putting labels in my me-made clothes, but never felt motivated to do much research on what types were available and the ones I did check out, well their minimum order quantities would be too high. Dutch Label allows a minimum order of 30 labels for less than $20 if you select their basic woven labels. After this last week, seeing the clothes that I've been choosing to donate go to Goodwill without any labels on them felt weird. There is a part of me that wants to leave my mark behind in a way that a custom label would help.

Now I just have to figure out what I want my labels to say!

*This is NOT a sponsored post because Dutch Label has NO idea who I am but I thought that this apparently well-organized little company should get some love.

1 comment:

  1. I like the labels and tags from also. :)
