
Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I was way too late

Guess what? I missed out on getting another Ipanema tablecloth from Target. Why oh why did I keep putting it off?

I checked the clearance shelves at two stores and NONE of that line was to be found, not even a table napkin. The tablecloth was never even offered through the website. So that's that.

So I have a little under three yards of this 60 inch fabric. The dress I had decided on calls for 1 5/8 yards of 60 inch fabric, so it is still a go. In addition, I want to make a matching purse and another Heather Bailey headband to go with it. The headband could come from the scraps easily and the clutch purse would only take half a yard.

However, it most definitely will not be finished by the end of the month for the SewRetro group. I just finished my last test today and now I have to study for my final written and oral exams in Spanish on Friday. (Don't you just love the accelerated schedule of a 5-week long semester course?) Later on that day I will be on my way to sunny Miami for a much needed vacation until Monday. So I will have to catch up with the group on the August project.

1 comment:

  1. Best of luck on finding another tablecloth! I just found your site through Sew Retro. I'm debating about making a skirt out of a set of Martha Stewart napkins I got a K-Mart. I never have dinner parties and they're too pretty to hide in a drawer.
