
Monday, August 03, 2009

Getting Things Done...

What I did this weekend:
  • Worked on the yellow sheet dress muslin. You know how you look to the wrinkles to figure out the fitting problems? Oy vey, do I have a lot of work to do!
  • Rewrote my resume. It's less descriptive but it does all fit on one side of the paper. Do you think the fact that the top margins are less than 1/2 inch matters that much? ;)
But most importantly...
  • Make these dresses for my nieces and must be done by August 8.
Simplicity 2804
View A top made as a dress

One down, one to go!


  1. Girrrrrllll, work it like it owes you money!!!! Looks great! That's for your niece, or is that a muslin you're keeping for you?

  2. Thanks! This is one for the niece.
    I'm actually hiking the skirt up a bit to look like the pattern b/c it hangs straight down on me instead of resting on the hips and blousing out. The girls are taller and more muscular (star basketball players!) so hopefully they'll both fit them.

  3. That is HOT! Love it Love it!
