
Thursday, April 01, 2010

Is it Panic Time Yet?

Okay, like I said, a week ago, I have two garments down (the easy ones) and two to go for this mini-wardrobe (contest or not).

Well, the truth is I still have not cut out the last two oufits! And one of them has bound buttonholes! Yes, bound buttonholes, which I have done before but that was over 10 years ago. Do I want to tempt fate and try them in the next two weeks or just do a simple button & loop closure? And, this is the first time I've ever made this garment, so...

In addition, I'll be away most of this weekend. So, yeah, I'm starting to panic already.

...deep breath... deep breath...


  1. Howdy! I just wanted to pop in and say thank you for all the lovely comments over at my blog. You made my day!

  2. Deep breath! You can do it if you want to prioritize and focus. (Which is kind of the hard part, right?) Cheering you on!!!

  3. I say make a game time decision on the closure (although button and loop are not as interchangeable as a regular buttonhole versus bound). Get as far as you can into the project before you have to decide and then see what kind of time and motivation you're looking at.

  4. Anonymous9:11 AM

    I find myself in a very similar position. I'm comforting myself with the notion that my usual pace is a garment a week which includes fitting/tweaking...but still...I'll chew some nails off with you. :)

  5. i think you should go for it! you can do it. :)
