
Monday, October 06, 2014

What Is Next...

I have finished my first Grainline Moss and it was a success. There will most definitely be more of these. Look forward to my pattern review on the skirt soon.

The dress code at work has changed and now we must wear collared shirts. I have bought two t-shirts and a pair of khakis for this job. I would rather not buy any more clothing purely for the job. Today, I bought an extremely gently-worn mans shirt at a thrift store for $6. I am going to take the side and shoulders seams apart and use the Sew U book's shirt pattern to bring it down to my size. This shirt bought for a practical purpose will also serve as a muslin for future button-down shirts.

Searching thrift stores for patterns is usually hit or miss, a lot of old patterns that aren't old enough (early-late 80s) to be cute vintage and lots of children, costume, or seasonal home decoration patterns. However, I got lucky, a pattern I was actually going to buy the same day from JoAnn or Hancocks (McCall's 6885) was found for 58 cents! I was just thinking of how it was time to start work on View D of this pattern in a plaid flannel fabric. I'm hoping that JoAnn or Hancocks brings back these two fabrics that I missed out on two years ago:

But here are two new possiblities from this year:

I am currently finishing up my first and last dress of the summer. Oops, I know, it's a little late since the first day of fall just happened. I should have put that first on the list to make in early spring.
Oh, well.. a new dress for summer 2015! It was going very quickly and then the upper bodice and neckline needed adjustment. Even though my shoulders look pretty broad to me, they always turn out to be too narrow for most patterns. I am using a combination of darts, tucks, and gathers to tighten it up. If I'm lucky I will probably have about two weeks to wear this.

At a thrift store yesterday, I found a really clean copy of the Coats & Clark's Sewing Book: Newest Methods from A to Z (1967) So, yes there's another vintage sewing book for my collection.

1 comment:

  1. I hear you on the hit-or-miss selection of sewing patterns at thrift shops - but what terrific finds you made! :) Makes all that hunting worth it when you can find something like that (actually, both the book and the pattern)...

    Glad to hear things are going well, but too bad about the change in dress code at work - hate it when they do that to their employees! Oh well, vengeance shall be yours when you're making up all those amazing collared shirts! *lol*

    Be well!
