
Monday, March 24, 2008

ST: Working on a first time muslin

I just attempted my very first muslin using Vogue 8392, view 3. It was extremely frustrating.

Ever since I cut out the cap sleeve pattern piece, I had been suspicious that they would not fit around my upper arm. I have fairly small arms, so this was very worrying. Starting with Pattern Review, I then searched the Internet* looking for people who made this pattern. Strangely, only Meghan mentioned the sleeve being tight. However, she did mention getting stuck in it when she tried to take it off and well, the same thing happened here.

See in this picture how tight, awkward and unattractive the fit is when I lift my arms.

In addition, despite cutting the pattern out one size smaller (but leaving the armholes at the larger size) the bodice was still really baggy in the upper chest area.

Next Steps: I am scrapping this and removing the sleeves. I am now making a muslin for this tried-and-true top, Simplicity 3835, and attaching these sleeves to the bottom of that ones' cap sleeves.

Hopefully, I'll be back soon with an attractive conclusion. By the way, ST= Sewing Therapy, the clothing replenishment portion of my Wardrobe Therapy.

*You should try this, put in your pattern name and number in parenthesis quotes "Vogue ****", and check out the blog link addresses.

First Sewing of the New Year


  1. Ouch! Yes, it's very clear in the photos that you have tiny upper arms, but the pattern is even tinier there.

    That's too bad, as it's an interesting cut.

  2. Those billowy sleeves look wonderful on the pattern envelope. I hope it works out putting them on your tried and tested top.
