
Sunday, April 27, 2008

Clothes that fit: Priceless

I decided to go shopping Friday after work - - and shopping I did go.

I pretty much hit everywhere on the way. The main goal was a return to H&M, but I ended up stopping at Pier 1, World Market, Home Depot, and a new franchise boutique; called Fab'rik, along the way.
At Pier 1, I checked out the dinnerware and glassware but I didn’t see anything I liked until World Market where I saw this set of cherry blossom-themed dishes. I like them but I think it’s more the pattern I love; I would love to have a dress in that pattern.

At Home Depot, I was ecstatic to find that they were now selling a larger variety of the colors in RustOleum’s Painter's Touch and American Accents lines in half pint sizes. As it is now, most of their non-primary colors only come in spray cans.

So, did I buy anything? Yes, I bought a lovely top and Capri pants at H&M.
Most of the tops I looked at last week were either not there, did not fit, or I just couldn’t find them since they rearranged the store since last week. Those pants that I really liked had the funkiest fit ever. Supposedly wide-legged pants they had the tightest upper thigh fit making the pants look like supremely wrong bell bottoms, starting to flare from high at mid-thigh. They had an extremely low rise, which doesn’t look attractive when you have such a wide waistband. I thought they would be at waist height or even much higher from the look of them. I guess I should have looked at this picture closer.
I then tried on their other pants, getting more and more discouraged, and starting to blame it all on my weight loss UNTIL… I tried on this last choice in pants. I had turned them down before because they were definitely Lycra enhanced and felt a lot like parachute material because of it. Well, I now want more parachute clothes! These things molded to my body; waist and butt included, and I actually felt attractive in them. It wasn’t until that moment that I realized how debilitating always wearing clothes that don’t fit well (my droopy-crotched pants!) makes you feel. When you find yourself posing from all different angles in a dressing room mirror, you know you have to buy it. It is no longer a “just OK” or “it will do” situation. If it makes you feel “pretty” or “hot,” then you better put your money down because it is worth it.
Great patterned top: $15

Fab Lycra Capri pants: $25

Clothes that fit AND make me feel cute: priceless

*I kept the price tags visible so you could see them. Dimwit me, how exactly were you supposed to read them that small? Hah!


  1. Ooh, I love that top, and def. agree that pants that make you look pretty are hot are must-buys, regardless of price.

    San Diego (well, Chula Vista) is getting an H&M soon...I can't wait!

  2. If it makes you feel “pretty” or “hot,” then you better put your money down because it is worth it.

    Put that on a t-shirt!
