
Tuesday, October 16, 2012

VA/DC/MD Blogger Meet-Up, Anyone?

Hey, I'm finally getting myself out in public after years of pinching my pennies and staying close to home because of school and lack of funds. I missed out on all the New York meet-ups and even that Philadelphia PR Weekend, which really upset me because I have family there.

So I'm interested in some sort of meet-up of all the Virginia/D.C./Maryland sewing bloggers that I now know of. The number is much higher than I originally thought. (Oh, if you know of any others, please let me know!)

District of Columbia:
Slapdash Sewist IN
A Little Sewing IN

Miss Celie's Pants IN
Smunch IN
Lemony Fresh

New Jersey:
Vacuuming The Lawn Tentative IN

Sew Many Happies
Sew Tawdry IN
As I Said… IN
Sewing Steady IN
Danville Girl Sewing Diary
Gotcha Covered IN
Such a Strange Girl (just found another one!) IN

Are any of you guys interested?

Unfortunately, we don't have that many Virginia options for shopping except for the G Street Fabric locations but I think when ever sewing bloggers get together it's more about the camaraderie and meeting someone interested (or obsessed!) with the same things that you are. Am I right? In addition, G Street does have that $2.75 table, not even Joann or Hancock has fabric that cheap!

Before making any further plans, I first want to know who is interested in meeting up?


  1. Hello Isaspacey!....
    Because I now live in northern Virginia, I would certainly like to participate!

    I would even be willing to go on a bus trip to New York....!

    I certainly hope you hear from the other invitees....{{grin}}

  2. Cool! I added you to the list!

  3. I read Robin's most recent posts right before reading this one and she mentioned the same thing at the end of this entry!

    (Just call me the little ole matchmaker!)

  4. That would be really fun, I'm definitely interested

  5. Kathie, Thanks! I had NO idea Robin lived nearby! Just added her to the list.

  6. I love meet ups. Thanks for the invite. I am willing to drive if it turns into a road trip.

  7. Found my way to your little space of the internet (yay!) and this is the first post I saw. I'm in NoVa and this would be AWESOME! I had no idea there was so many of us here, either. I would totally be into this.

  8. I'm a blog reader (have been for years....) but I'm in. Found you from Robin's blog.


  9. I'm actually in NJ but love that I'm honorary MD!!

  10. I'm in MD and would love to meet up.

    Thanks to Kyle for the heads up!
