Friday, May 30, 2014

Life Update: Updated

Yesterday was the all-day orientation - still don't know what the job really entails. Have another day of testing before I even step foot in my department. I am so discombobulated right now.

Luckily, I will start volunteering on Sunday for the Hampton History Museum during the annual Blackbeard Pirate street festival*. It's pretty cool, for them, the fact that I'm an Art History major is actually a coup. Whaddaya know?  Made two new tops (details to come soon) thinking I would wear one but now the temperature's done a drastic turn and I'm wearing warm layers again!

*Funny thing, if the weather stays cool I could actually put together a decent pirate-y outfit just from stuff in my closet (yes, I know!). But would that be too much for a first-time volunteer? Maybe after my shift I'll change then and come back to see the museum's Steampunk exhibit? Of course, in that environment the outfit might seem lame.

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