Which order is correct above, Winner/Loser or Loser/Winner? One designer above won this task and the other designer was actually eliminated from the competition. In my opinion, the wrong one.
- One looks like real fashion* and the other one looks like an arts and crafts project.
- One shows imagination, actual designing, construction of three separate garments, and a decent manipulation of the materials. The other is a simple sheer beige gown covered with unfinished fabric scraps.
Perhaps, if the scraps had been finished in an interesting way or fastened to the dress in a way that didn't look like they were pasted on, maybe? But, just how much work, time, and thought do you think each designer put into their work? Equal amounts?
So, who do you think did a better job?
*You may think questionable fashion, but fashion, nonetheless.
Images: via Tom and Lorenzo
I didn't like Josh's design any more than Anthony Ryans. Personally, the show has really gone down and I think it's a problem with the judges. They are stuck in their ways and it makes for seasons with little individuality. I'll probably continue watching this season but I don't think I'll waste my time for next. Too bad...
We don't get Project Runway shown on UK tv until like 5 years afterwards, so I genuinely have no idea which is correct.
But I personally think the one on the left is unforgivably bad, like some sort of dominatrix meets bar wench horror. The one on the right isn't great, either, but at least it's visually interesting and plays on the long layers...
So which way round was it on tv?
I liked Anthony Ryan's idea, but the execution left a lot to be desired. Those "brush strokes" just looked like fabric scraps stuck onto a sheer dress. It looked okay from afar, but close up it was sort of a mess.
The winner was the fabric scrap dress and the semi-dominatrix outfit got its designer eliminated. I liked the shirt a lot and the skirt made in something besides leather would be fabulous so I think Josh should have stayed over Anthony.
I think they both look awful. There wasn't a single garment in this episode that deserved to be a winner. I am horrified at the use of a glue gun on the garments, too - especially on a 2-day challenge.
i don't care for either actually. the one on the left looks like actual clothing but the one on the right has potential in that i love the color combination. i think if this person thought it through more it could have been more interesting/wearable. it just looks sloppy.
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