to have received the coveted Liebster Blog Award from KC at The Sewcratic Method.
Thank you, KC!!!!
Since the creation of this award the available blogs with less than 200 followers are quickly disapearing as everyone immediately clicks over to check them out, so instead of searching for blogs that haven't received it yet, I am bestowing it on the most recent blogs that I have found.* The 5 blogs I chose to award are:
Girl meets wolf
Experiments and Accidents
Cloth Habit
The Muslinette
Sown Brooklyn
Congratulations everyone! Keep sewing and we will keep reading!

Before I even published this email about the Leibster, Diane of The Blue Gardenia gave me the Very Versatile Blogger award! Thank you so much!
My list of 15 bloggers again consists of recent discoveries:
Closet Case Files
Cloth Habit
Experiments and Accidents
Four Square Walls
Girl Meets Wolf
Lucky Lucille
Sewin' Steady
Sown Brooklyn
The Muslinette
Toferet's Empty Bobbin
True Bias
* When I discover a new blog, that means I also pretty much read all of their old posts too. So, yes, I've been very busy!