My sewing machine is pretty old because it is now 15 years old (as old as my car too!) It is a
Babylock BL2100. I actually bought another brand first, got it home, stitched on it, didn't like it, took it back the next day and bought this one, which was a lesser name brand and came with less frills and attachments. However, it has served me well.
The funny thing is that I didn't try to buy a machine when I was working at Cloth World (a precursor to Jo-Anns) for the summers during college. With an employee discount I could have made out well. Oh, well...
Visiting my dad for his 75th birthday a few weeks ago we went on our usual adventures in various thrift stores. And look what I found on Warwick Blvd. Note: I did not buy this but enjoy the sewing machine pics anyway.
Singer Automatic 319 swing-needle machine (1954?)
This machine is a straight stitch machine with automatic zig-zag. It is called a swing arm machines because the zig-zag needle bar pivots from the top. I have since found this machine, either alone or with all its attachments priced on eBay, Craigslist, etc. for $150, $500, up to $1,500. This all could have been mine for a measly
$50. Wow.

The complete manual (which can be seen in full
here.) Even though this manual says 306, Internet research seems to identify this machine as the 319

These are the stitch levers that allow you to choose different styles of stitching. I used the existence of these to identify this machine as the 319 model.

More attachments and feet, see the ruffler in there?

Those two drawers in the wooden cabinet held all the equipment for the machine.
Last, but not least...

The buttonhole attachment. These things fascinate me, so how do they work?